Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2001 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: On the structure of the particle source in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions
Authors: Alexandru JIPA, Calin Besliu, Gabriel TABAN, Ion Sorin Zgura, Daniel FELEA, Oana CÂSU, Oana CULEA, Catalin RISTEA
Affiliation: Atomic and Nuclear Physics Department, Faculty of Physics,
University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Abstract: In previous works some evidences for particle source structure have been done. In the present work we use simulation with HIJING and UrQMD codes to analyse the possibility to find such structure in Au-Au collisions at RHIC-BNL available energies. We use a modified form “CRAB” program of Scott Pratt (National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, USA). CRAB stands for “Correlation after Burner”. It reads files of phase space points, which describe the final momentum and point of last interaction of generated particles. From this information, along with knowledge of the impact parameters used for the transport-code runs, CRAB generates correlation functions. CRAB takes into account impact-parameter averaging, experimental acceptances, experimental resolution and cinematic cuts.
For different impact parameters, we calculate the correlation function. A few peaks in correlation function are observed. Some cuts in momentum for removing the background have been done. For these peaks, we analysed the correlation function by fitting with some adequate functions. We can conclude that there are conditions that in Au-Au collisions at CMS energies between 56 A GeV and 200 A GeV the particle sources have internal structure. The correlation function offer information on the space time characteristics of the particle source, too. Some comparisons with the phenomenological geometric model calculations are included.