Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: The analyse of the flood regime in the lower course of the Danube river for sector Ghidici-Corabia
Authors: Simona Patruţ (1,2), A. Constantinescu (3)
Affiliation: (1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.BOX MG - 11, Bucharest, Romania
(2) Ministerul Mediului şi Pădurilor, Blv Libertatii, 12, sector 5, Bucuresti
(3) “Delta Dunării”, R. D.Institute of Tulcea, Romania
E-mail patrut_simona@yahoo.com
Keywords: hydraulic modelling, Sobek, flood mapping, flooding scenarios, Danube, wetland, digital terain model
Abstract: The Danube, the rivers and their green corridor made complex ecosystems that include adjacent land, flora, fauna and water courses. These ecosystems depend on the water courses flow, sediment transport, water temperature and other variables have a well defined role. In case of changes of these variables from the existing natural balance, the equilibrium is off balance."More space for rivers" are keywords, which illustrates the idea of policy that currently dominates Western Europe, which supports the need give back river of what "we`ve got" - flood plains - so that they drain properly floods, constraint instead of river between dams.This new concept, "More space for rivers", requires the harmonization of social and economic needs such as water, flood and other environmental requirements.This must be ensured and its link with river flood plains by making habitat (wetlands) for: conservation of aquatic flora and fauna, mitigation of floods and retention of nutrients.The aim of the present paper is the analysis of the Danube flood area regime between Ghidici and Corabia in the wetlands restoration scenario of the agricultural polders (there are not dams and there is the possibility to reestablish the old Danube riverbed).For this it was made the 1D2D sketch (the use of the "Overland flow") that integrates hydraulic elements 1D of the analyzed area with the digital model of the land.The hydraulic description of the rivers discharge and the water management was made using SOBEK RURAL software package offering a high quality for the hydraulic modelling of the river flowing into low areas and in hilly lands of the irrigation and drainage systems. The scenarios were rolled for a minimum hydrological level of the Danube River (year-2003), medium (year-2004) and for the high level (year-2006).They made flood maps for low, medium and maximum levels of Danube River and was determined the flood degree on the analysed sector.