Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2011 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: Lego Minstorms Robots Used in Science Teaching
Authors: Dan Sporea(1), Catalina Stanca(2), Daniela Ilie(2)
Affiliation: (1)National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, 409 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, RO-077125
(2)“Al.I.Cuza” National College, 1 Basarabiei Street, Bl.1, Galati
E-mail catalinavalentinastanca@yahoo.com
Keywords: physics education, computerized experiments, Lego robots, Vernier sensors
Abstract: The experimental activities contained in this paper, represent some demonstrations, developed at the „Future with Robots”, a hands-on educational club established at National Colleague “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, in January 2010. Our present work is focus on developing some educational solutions in teaching math and science in a funny, hands-on and engaging way. The described applications cover a wide range of curriculum targets within science, technology and engineering such as: detection of the magnetic field, automatic parking of a vehicle using proximity sensors, a self-orientated vehicle with light detection, a solar tracking station etc. As we already said, our purpose is to improve science education, to suggest attractive methods on teaching science in an engaging way. Our last project try to prove this goal. The students imagine a scenario based on the idea that after some years Planet Earth will become almost uninhabitable. Mankind build and program high-tech planetary exploration robots, in order to search for human life conditions on other planets. The robots were send on other planet in order to check most of the planets’ characteristics: gravity, atmospheric condition, radiation level, water and soil characteristics. In this contest we have developed a set of experiments, involving Lego Robots and Vernier sensors, in an attempt to analyze life condition on the planet. Lego Robots we built and program have the capability to find the exit way from labyrinths, to transport rocks from the planet in order to measure their radiation level, to find the place of a hidden magnet, to monitor water qualities etc. The “robots club” was developed as part of the implementation in Romania of the EU funded project “Fibonacci” with the support of the Center for Science Education and Training (http://education.inflpr.ro), which provide us the robots components and offered the appropriate advice.