Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2007 Meeting
Section: Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Physics, Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers
Title: Atmospheric plasma jet modification of PET surfaces
Authors: E. R. Ionita, M. D. Ionita, M. V. Teodorescu, C. Stancu, C. E. Stancu, V. Satulu, I. Luciu, G. Dinescu
Affiliation: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
E-mail dinescug@infim.ro
Abstract: The plasma treatments are a good solution for modification of wettability of polymeric surfaces. Nevertheless the treatment process is difficult in many cases due to the restrictions imposed by the vacuum system necessary for plasma generation. In this contribution we report the change of wettability of PET foils by atmospheric pressure cold plasma jet, without using vacuum equipment.
The plasma jet source is specially designed to produce cold plasmas., which are capable of treatment of surface with low heat loading. The plasma source is based on the expansion of a radiofrequency discharge in argon. It can be operated with low RF power values in the range 15-40 W.
The treatment was performed by scanning the surface with the plasma beam. The contact angle is significantly decreased in our experiment by atmospheric plasma jet treatment from 74 degree to 35 degree. Many applications are possible, such as plasma activation of surfaces for adhesion control and biomedical applications such cell adhesion.