Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2008 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Application of the Potential Vorticity to Mid-Latitude Weather Systems (POSTER)
Authors: Nicolae Cornoiu, Sabina Stefan
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.Box MG-11, Magurele, Bucharest
E-mail sabina_stefan@yahoo.com
Keywords: potential vorticity, weather systems, static stability
Abstract: The knowledge of the distribution of a single variable, the so-called Potential Vorticity (PV), enables us to develop understanding of the dynamical processes operating in the mid-latitude atmosphere. The investigation begins by exploring the curious relationship between vorticity and static stability in isentropic coordinate system. Definition and diagnostic properties of PV are straightforward extension of this physical connexion. Characteristic cinematic and thermodynamic structure of the environments will be associated with positive and negative anomalies in the PV distribution which will leads us to a conceptualization of the process of cyclogenesis from the PV perspective. This discussion includes considerations of the influence of diabatic processes, particularly those associated with latent heat release. The penetration depth of a given PV anomaly varies as the scale of the anomaly and inversely as the ambient static stability. The negative anomaly will also be characterized by isentropes that bow around the anomaly, indicating the presence of a negative static stability anomaly in its vicinity. Positive PV anomaly is characterized by cyclonic flow, whose magnitude is maximized at the level of the anomaly. The positive anomaly will be characterized by isentropes that bow toward the anomaly, indicating the presence of a positive static stability anomaly in its vicinity. The structure of an upper-level, positive PV anomaly can be exploited to gain insight into the relationship between positive PV advection and cyclogenesis.