Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2001 Meeting
Section: Optics and Spectroscopy
Title: Interferometric set-up for the calibration of manometric cells
Authors: F. Garoi, V. Damian, V. Nascov, D. Apostol, M. Oane
Affiliation: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
E-mail: gflorin@ifin.nipne.ro
Abstract: For the calibration of the rigid membrane manometric cell we need to determine the maximum displacement at the center of the membrane as a function of the presure in the cell. With this in mind we realized two interferometric devices. The first one is a Fizeau interferometer, where the membrane is flat and polished as to produce a reflected wavefront which interfere with the reference wave. We can see circular interference fringes which have their displacement corelated with membrane distortion and applied pressure. For the case where the membrane can’t be optically polished, we have developed a second interferometric device in which the test beam is focused on the membrane’s surface and then it is made to interfere with the reference wave.
The interferometric methods have the advantage of measurements without contact such that there is no disturbance of the calibration process and, because of very great sensitivity implied by these mothods , they allow measurements in the very small displacements domain, namely in the linear elastic deformations domain.
The paper depicts also the calibration set-ups and the calibration curves.