Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2012 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Cosmic rays in the 10^16-10^18 eV range: the KASCADE-Grande experiment
Authors: O. SIMA for the KASCADE-Grande Collaboration
Affiliation: Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest
E-mail Octavian.Sima@kit.edu
Keywords: High energy cosmic rays; KASCADE-Grande; Extensive Air Showers; Energy spectrum of cosmic rays
Abstract: KASCADE-Grande is a complex multidetector experiment located in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany). With an area of 700 X 700 m^2, it is designed to study the cosmic rays in the energy range from 10^16 to 10^18 eV,
by detecting the extensive air showers generated when the high energy primary particle interacts in the atmosphere. The basic information consists of the charged particles density obtained from the Grande detectors (37 scintillators of 10 m^2 each) and the muons density evaluated on the basis of the KASCADE array of detectors (200 X 200 m^2 array of about 250 shielded and unshielded
detectors). The experimental information together with knowledge on the development of extensive air showers gained by realistic Monte Carlo simulations done with the CORSIKA code allows an event-by-event reconstruction
of the the shower, which in turn is used for obtaining the energy spectrum and the mass composition of the cosmic rays. In this work an overwiev of the experiment will be presented, the analysis procedures will be outlined and
the main results will be reviewed.