Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2011 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: Traditional and Modern Physics Lessons: Works of Experimental and Simulation Software
Authors: V.Stefanescu
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Atomistilor Street 405, P.O. Box MG 11, 077125, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
E-mail stefanescuvaleriu@gmail.com
Keywords: e-learning, students, simulation software
Abstract: Laboratory experiment is a method of learning with a strong participatory asset-specific physics. PC penetration in the classroom allowed the appeal, through the C.A.I, the simulation software, which is proving to be particularly useful in studying physics. Computer usage and application of new technology-based teaching strategies in educational activities contribute to the development of forms of organization of training not possible using traditional means and methods. Computer Assisted Instruction requires the direct intervention of the computer in organizing the learning situation through an educational software. Simulation software (interactive models) allow students to observe the monitor screen controlled representation of a phenomenon or a real process, based on a simplified model. The simulation aims at training the students` mental models of phenomena, processes or systems, real or training to enable them to understand their operation. Interactive models provide a saving of time in preparing lessons and during lessons. With their teacher this phenomena, processes, etc.., more intuitive and can demonstrate some features of the phenomena and processes. This leads to increased student interest in physics and fosters a deeper understanding of them.