2025-03-07 4:41


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2011 Meeting

Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers

Comparative study of the Raman spectra of polidocanol in liquid phase and in foam

Adriana Smarandache (1), M. Trelles (2), J. Moreno-Moraga (3), Angela Staicu (1), M.L. Pascu (1)

National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Laser Department, P.O.Box, MG-36, 077125, Bucharest, Romania, (1)

Instituto Médico Vilafortuny, Cambrils, Spain (2)

Instituto Médico Láser, Madrid, Spain (3)


polidocanol, laser radiation, foam, Raman emission

Polidocanol is found in commercially available Aetoxisclerol 2% which is the medicine used in the sclerotherapy of small veins (less than 4 mm in diameter). Clinical experimental results prove that the exposure of tissues impregnated with Polidocanol in foam form to laser radiation emitted at 1.06 μm improves the efficiency of the treatment (M. Trelles & al., 2005). Previous absorption studies on Aetoxisclerol 2% solution before and after exposure to Nd:YAG 1.06 μm laser radiation have not shown important spectral modifications of it. The effect of the laser light may be enhanced if the Polidocanol is introduced as foam. It is important to investigate the laser light scattering involved in the laser irradiation process of Polidocanol foam samples. To do that, we produced foam by mixing Aetoxisclerol 2% solution and atmospheric air (1:4) using the Tessari method. The batch is passed between the two syringes about 40 times and the resulting foam is stable during 5-6 min. A 10 mm optical cell containing foam sample was introduced into a home-made Raman spectroscopy system. The laser radiation used to excite the Raman emission is the second harmonic of a pulsed Nd: YAG laser (10Hz frequency, 6ns pulse duration, 350 mJ energy at 532 nm). The detection is made by a high resolution spectrograph and ICCD camera. The obtained Raman spectra were more intense in foam form than in simple solution. This shows the fact that the laser light scattering produces a larger optical path of the laser beam in the sample and consequently a larger absorption of it by the foam components. This research was supported by: ANCS: LAPLAS 3-PN 09 33.