Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2009 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: AeL Versus Interactive Blackboard in Physics Learning
Authors: Florica Paragină(1),(2) Alexandru Jipa(2)
Affiliation: (1)Teacher Training Centre, Bucharest, Romania
(2)University of Bucharest-Faculty of Physics, Bucharest - Magurele, 077125, Romania
E-mail floricaparagina@yahoo.com
Keywords: physics teaching, AeL, lab VIEW programmer
Abstract: Physics teaching and learning imply both theoretical advanced theories using differential equations, as well as experiments for consolidation of the introduced physical notions. The experiments are important for students, for a better theory understanding. But, sometimes, the experiments cannot be reproduced during the practical classes. Therefore, sometimes, a movie or a virtual presentation is used. Sometimes a visit a research laboratory is preferred, depending on local conditions. Actually, when we want to present a virtual representation (a flash document, a lab VIEW programmer etc) we may use a lot of applications such as: the Romanian learning platform developed by SIVECO ROMANIA SA – named AeL, video projection (from a video player/recorder, a DVD player, a computer), or an interactive blackboard. In this work, we focused on these electronic systems for teaching and learning. Our aim is the initiation of a study about the utilization of these systems, among students and teachers using a questionnaire. The final results can give support to the main objectives: improvement of the interest for Physics, as well as of the learning performances.