Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2004 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Assessment of the Health Effects of Atmospheric Particulate Matter within an Industrial Area
Authors: Gilda Rusu-Zagar, Steluta Nisipeanu, Raluca Stepa
Affiliation: National Institute for Research and Development on Labour Protection, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail gildazagarrusu@eva.ro
Keywords: Pollution, health effects
Abstract: The underlying motivation of a study on air pollution is to implement its control as the ambient pollutant concentrations are reduced to levels considered safe from the standpoint of undesirable effects.
At the emergency levels, the most stringent controls are necessary to ensure that concentrations do not reach levels where imminent and substantial endangerment to the health of any significant portion of the population will occur.
In this idea, the aim of the paper is to assess the health risk within industrial area where the main pollutants are the particulate matter (TSP, Total Suspended Particles).
The TSP concentrations in the chosen sites representative for the sources of pollution were measured. The composition of TSP was also determined by chemical analyses. The compounds were: silicon dioxide, manganese oxides, chromic oxides and aluminium oxides. The measurements were analysed for the microclimate conditions which characterize the observed area.
To assess the risk level the standard method of 7 levels was used (Order 184/1997). This method uses the relationship between severity and probability.
The values of global risk level computed for the human population from district near industrial zone are below the dangerous level, but the values for the some constituents as silicon dioxide, are above the permissible values.