Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2002 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Intermittency effect in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5AGeV
Authors: Alexandru Jipa, Calin Besliu, Ion Sorin Zgura*, Daniel Felea*,
Ciprian Mitu, B.Iliescu, I.Aresene, M.Potlog.
Affiliation: Atomic and Nuclear Physics Department, Faculty of Physics,
University of Bucharest, Romania.
*Institute of Space Science, Bucharest-Magurele, ROMANIA
Abstract: In a study made by A. Bialas and R. Peschanski has been suggested that non-statistical multiplicity fluctuation can be analysed using a new variable.This variabile, called intermitency, drastically reduces distorsion due to the non uniformity of single particle density distribution. The two physicist suggested, also that intermittency has a behaviour like a power function of the factorial moments of different distribution.
In relativistic nuclear collisions can be observe some fluctuations from the Poisson distribution of the experimental multiplicity distribution for different particles, mainly negative pions. These fluctuations can be linked with the appearance of intermittency effect and suggests some correlations in particle generation.
A difference between the experimental multiplicity and Poisson distribution indicates the existence of some fluctuations from this behavior and that,mainly, only high multiplicities contribute significantly to the appearance of intermittency effect.
The interaction that are taken in consideration in this paper are following: He-Li, He-Cu, He-Ne, He-Pb, all at 4.5A GeV/c.These experiments have been performed at the Synchrophasotron from the JINR Dubna, in the frame of the SKM-200 Spectrometer only the negative pions can be correctly identified by direct methods. Therefore, the experimental results are related to negative pions multiplicity distibution as well as on the charged particle multiplicity distribution.Interesting results on a low-power dependenceare obtained in these collisions.