2025-03-07 4:23


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2003 Meeting

Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers

Design of a simple magnetron plasma source

S. Vizireanu, D. Crintea, C. Petcu, A. Lazea, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu*

Low Temperature Plasma Physics Department, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, POBox MG 36-Magurele, 76900 Romania




Magnetron sputtering is a well-established technique for deposition of metallic films and compounds like oxides and nitrides. Nevertheless, the professional magnetron systems are expensive. In this contribution a cheap, simple magnetron source designed and realized in our laboratory is presented. It is useful for small-scale applications and for educational purposes. The source is easy to be operated in both DC and RF regimes. The source is based on a small discharge cell consisting of a glass tube (60 mm diameter, 80 mm length) limited at both ends by cylindrical electrodes (15 mm height). The faces of the electrodes define a parallel plate configuration. Only very small side spaces are allowed between the electrodes and the glass tube, restricting the discharge extension to the interelectrodic volume. Stacking additional pieces on the bottom electrode (the grounded anode), allows modifying the interelectrodic distance. The pumping (rotary and diffusion pumps) is realized through anode. The gas admission is performed through the cathode side. A DC or RF discharge has been easily established in Ar in the pressure range 10-2 - 1 mbar. Nevertheless the sputtering deposition experiments, applied for substrates placed on anode at various distances from cathode surface, showed low deposition rates, ineffective for applications. By machining the cathode from the backside a common annular magnet was incorporated in the electrode, very near its surface (1-2 mm). The magnetic field presence causes visible plasma localization in the vicinity of the cathode surface, which is due to the trapping effect of magnetic field and electron movement in the crossed E x B fields. Consequently, the working pressure can be decreased to ~10-4 mbar leading to enhanced sputtering and deposition rates. The limiting conditions of operation of the above described plasma source are discussed. The effectiveness of the source for deposition of aluminum, nickel and zinc oxide thin films is proven.