Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Polymer Physics
Title: Atomic Force Microscopy Wear Characterization for Gamma-Irradiated UHMWPE
Authors: L. S. Craciun (1), Cristina Ionescu (1), O. Constantinescu (1), Rodica Georgescu (1), P. M. Racolta (1), M. Straticiuc (1), I. Burducea (1), E. S. Barna (2)
Affiliation: (1)Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering - IFIN HH, Str. Atomistilor no.407, Magurele – 077125, Ilfov, Romania
(2)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.BOX.MG-11, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail cliviu@nipne.ro
Keywords: AFM, UHMWPE, wear, Gamma-Irradiated
Abstract: Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is being used successfully for articulating surfaces in joint endoprostheses, especially for cups of total hip endoprostheses. It is typically sterilized by exposure to Co-60 gamma irradiation prior to packaging for long-term storage. However, the gamma radiation can break the polymer bonds creating free radicals, which can further on recombine to give a cross-linked material with increased wear property. An electron spin resonance (ESR) technique is employed to determine the free radical distribution in the samples. The UHMWPE samples were subjected to gamma irradiation in the range 25-100 kGy, in air and in low oxygen atmosphere; it has been observed that with time it can change colour and become embrittled. In this study AFM experiments were conducted on thick samples of UHMWPE prepared with a methodology that produces nanometer smooth surfaces. In this manner, nanometer scale deformations in the surface topography are measured. The AFM employed in this study is a MultiMode NanoScope IIID Controller (Digital Instruments Veeco Metrology Group, Santa Barbra, CA, USA)