Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2011 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Superheated Drop Detectors: Theoretical Model, Response to Neutrons and Statistics of Bubble Formation
Authors: I. Lazanu, Alexandra Chilug
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, POBox MG-11, Bucharest-Măgurele, Romania
E-mail e-mail: ionel.lazanu@g.unibuc.ro
Keywords: superheated drop detector, model, neutrons,
Abstract: Superheated drop detector (SDD) is known to detect neutrons, gamma-rays and other charged particles under different operating conditions. This principle of detection is also one of the promising directions in searches for WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), that is one of the favored candidates for cold dark matter. The detector contains a large number of droplets with micrometric radius of active detector material suspended in a viscous gel or in a polymer medium that suffers a phase transition to gas (bubble) state if an energy above a threshold value is deposited in the active droplet medium. The paper presents a theoretical model that considers the main aspects of the detector operation. The sensitivity and response to neutron fluxes of commercially available detectors manufactured by BTI Canada, was investigated using a neutron source. A statistics of bubble formation in detector was also investigated. This study represents the preliminary step in the use of this type of detectors for measurements of neutron background in Romanian low radioactivity underground laboratory and for application of this technique in astroparticle applications.