Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2012 Meeting
Section: Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics
Title: Classical and quantum electrodynamics in an intense laser field
Authors: Madalina BOCA
Affiliation: Department of Theoretical Physics, Mathematics, Optics,
Plasma, Lasers, University of Bucharest
E-mail madalina.boca@g.unibuc.ro
Keywords: Super-intense laser, Compton scattering, pair creation
Abstract: We start with a brief historical review of the progress in a new area of physics: the high-power laser-matter interaction. The quantum theory is confronted these days with a new challenge: the description of the behaviour of the matter in interaction with electromagnetic radiation at intensities up to seven orders of magnitude larger than the atomic unit. New theoretical predictions based on quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the high intensity regime are made and they are waiting the experimental confirmation.
After presenting the theoretical framework and formalism, we refer to the description of two processes due to the interaction of free electrons with electromagnetic radiation: intense radiation scattering from an energetic electron (MeV or GeV energies) and electron positron-pair creation in the presence of an intense electromagnetic field.
For the basic process of radiation scattering we illustrate, by our numerical results for radiation spectra and electron distributions, how the process becomes multiphotonic (non-linear Compton scattering) with the increase of the intensity and how exotic features connected with the dressing of the electron by the laser field, as the modification (blue versus red-shift) of the Compton line, appear. We also discuss effects related to the influence of the duration, carrier-envelope phase and waist size of the laser pulse. Then, based on new studies in the literature, we review the old problem of radiation reaction, considered only very recently in quantum theory, and its influence on radiation scattering.
In the last part of the presentation we focus on two mechanisms for electron-positron pair creation in an intense field, non-linear Bethe-Heitler and non-linear Breit-Wheeler effects. We present recent theoretical developments concerning the possibility to observe this process at the envisaged ELI-NP facility.
Note: For M. Boca this work was supported by the strategic
grant POSDRU/89/1.5/S/58852, Project "Postdoctoral programme
for training scientific researchs" co-financed by the
European Social Found within the Sectorial Operational
Program Human resources Development 2007-2013.