Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Some remarks on the hadronic correlations and p/p ̅, K⁄K ̅ , π⁄π ̅ ratios in Au-Au reactions at 200 A GeV in CMS
Authors: Al. Jipa (1), C. Besliu (1), M. Calin(1), T. Esanu(1),E. Stan (2), V. Grossu(1)
Affiliation: (1) University of Bucharest,Faculty of Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
(2)Institute of Space Science, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
E-mail esanu.tiberiu@gmail.com
Keywords: quark gluon plasma, hadrons, Hubble, clusters
Abstract: The discovery of the experimental signature for the quark-gluon plasma in RHIC-BNL (USA) Experiments (STAR, PHOBOS, PHENIX, BRAHMS) reconsidered the discussions on the time dependence of the different interaction mechanisms and the conditions for transition at the hadronic plasma phase of the nuclear matter. A few such problems will be discussed in this work, namely: what kind of fingerprints produce this state transition on the dynamical productions of H±, its time dependency (Fm/c scale), clusters combination at different stage of reactions, correlative processes, perturbative effects on the rest masses etc.Based on around 200 000 events for Au-Au collisions produced at RHIC-BNL at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV and detected with BRAHMS spectrometers, in the frame of the BRAHMS Collaboration, this analysis considers the correlation effects between the detected hadrons (p±, K±, π±). The main assumptions is related to the production of these hadrons at different times. In these conditions analogy with Hubble’s cosmology is possible. Bi-particles correlation coefficients increase significantly with the nuclear time. Such a behavior agrees with the evolution of the participant region after the quark-gluon plasma formation up to temperatures near the freeze-out stage, involving correlative dynamics. The effective mass spectra of are analyzed, too. All experimental effective mass spectra and associated excited energies evolve towards the small values when the reaction times increase. The last main remark concerns the increase of the bi-particles correlation coefficients inside the experimental clusters.