Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2012 Meeting
Section: Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics
Title: Photon resonances for an electron in two-dimensional non-parabolic quantum dot and in the presence of magneto-static and radiation fields
Authors: R.P. LUNGU
Affiliation: Department of Theoretical physics, mathematics, optics, plasma, lasers, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest,
E-mail RaduPLungu@yahoo.com
Keywords: Floquet theory, quantum dots, perturbation theory
Abstract: A two-dimensional electron confined by a quantum dot and in the presence of a magnetostatic field together with a monochromatic radiation field is studied, considering the confining potential to have a little deviation from the
parabolic form.
If the confining potential is parabolic, which is considered the unperturbed problem, then the eigen-value equation for the Floquet Hamiltonian can be solved exactly in operator form using an unitary transformation; consequently, the quasi-energies and the reduced Floquet vectors are obtained for this unperturbed problem.
Using the previously specified unperturbed solutions and a version of the stationary perturbation theory in the extended Floquet space, the corrections of the second order to the Floquet eigen-states produced by the non-parabolicity of the quantum dot are derived.
In order to obtain physical results, the probability density for the electron localization (again in the second order of the perturbation theory) is derived, if this electron is in a Floquet eigen-state.
From the expressions of the perturbation corrections it follows a set of photon resonances and we find in this set Bernstein modes.