2025-03-07 4:25


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting

Section: Biophysics; Medical Physics

Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy Vs.3D-Conformal Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer

D. Adam (1), M. D. Suditu (1,2), R. Popa (1,2), V. Ciocaltei (1)

(1)Amethyst Radiology Therapeutic Center, Bucharest

(2)Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest


VMAT, 3D CRT, breast cancer

Introduction: The treatment of breast cancer involves a multi-disciplinary approach with radiation therapy playing a key role. Along the years different technique were used beginning with conventional tangential fields 2D, 3D CRT (using MLC), and the newest technique VMAT (volumetric radiation therapy). The aim of this study is to describe and compare two different modern planning techniques for breast cancer: conformational technique compared to VMAT technique. Methods: A set of ten patient CT images were selected for treatment planning. The CT images were acquired using Brilliance Big Bore 120 CT scanner and imported in Pinnacle3, version 9.2, system planning. The physician contoured the CTV, which include the all volume of the breast. Dose prescription was 50 Gy to the average of the planning target volume (PTV). PTV coverage and homogeneity was comparable for all techniques. Results: After the evaluation of the plans, it was observed that for VMAT technique compared with 3D CRT was obtain an important reducing dose to organs at risk (OAR) and to contralateral breast. The PTV coverage was better than 95 % of prescribed dose for 95% of target volume with a volume smaller than 5% that received more than 105 % of prescribed dose for VMAT and 92% of prescribed dose for 3D CRT and regarding the maximum dose more than 10% for 105 % isodose. The volume of the ipsilateral lung receiving 20 Gy was 19.3% for VMAT and 32.4% for 3D-CRT. VMAT is considered the best treatment option for patients with breast cancer.