Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting
Section: Physics and Technology of Alternative Renewable Energy Supplies
Title: Analysis and evaluation of specific conditions regarding the collection and storage of organic wastes onboard of spacecrafts
Authors: Laurentiu Oancea, Ana-Maria Paizan, Claudiu Fercu, Georgiana Bercaru, Lavinia Macarov, Timur Mamut
Affiliation: ET Innovative Solutions Ltd.Constanta
E-mail laurentiu.oancea@et-is.eu
Keywords: manned spacecraft missions, onboard waste recycling, urea neutralization
Abstract: At present the subject of manned missions to outer space became a priority, targeting two specific destinations as Mars and the Moon. But also there are envisaged the development of manned missions for long term periods around the Earth or targeting incidental objects as asteroids. For these kind of missions, the aspects related to advanced life support systems are of outmost importance. For the design of such systems the starting point is the analysis of specific conditions required by the mission crews. Within the frame of FCtoOutSpace project (Research project on the Development of an Original Fuel Cell Technology Dedicated to Long Distance Outer Space Manned Missions) financed by the Romanian Space Agency, it has been developed an initial phase for establishing a reference methodology to define the specific conditions onboard of space missions that might be relevant for the design of advanced life support systems. The purpose of the evaluation is to quantify the requirements for an innovative method of collection and neutralization of liquid organic wastes containing urea. The method consists on a new type of fuel cells – direct urea fuel cells. For this purpose, in the paper there are presented the general terms of the accumulated experience in similar research and a critical evaluation from the perspective of the envisaged manned missions.A methodology has been developed and the results of the activities that had been carried out will be presented.