Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2006 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: The study of the migration of the radionuclide AM-241 in unsaturated soil from Saligny area
Authors: Alexandru-Dan Toma
Affiliation: University of Pitesti, Faculty of Science, Physics Department
No.1 Târgu din Vale Square, Pitești
E-mail alexdantoma@ yahoo.com
Keywords: soil, groundwater, radionuclide
Abstract: The functioning of the Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant will generate the low and medium active waste which will be contaminated with long-life fission products (U, Pu, Np, Am), radioactive carbon (C-14) and tritium (H-3), which through their radiochemical characteristics and their influence upon the environment and people, request special attention regarding their storage and disposal. Based on the geological and mineralogical researches regarding the location of a repository for low and medium active waste, Saligny area near the Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant was chosen. The repository will be located in loess, seated on sedimentary formations with insertions of clay patches. The main target of the research is to obtain some experimental data necessary for the evaluation of the migration of the radionuclide Am-241 (resulted from Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant) in unsaturated soils in Saligny area, which might be the host of the Final Repository for Low and Medium Active Waste. From the analysis of the test data obtained in the laboratory for the determination of the migration parameters of the radionuclide Am-241 in the material of the geological formation of Saligny area results that there is a direct correlation between the values of these parameters and the basic mineralogical component clay of the soil sample.