Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2012 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: The Approach of Teaching and Learning Scanning Electron Microscope in High School Using Virtual Experiments
Authors: Luminita DINESCU, Maria DINICA, Cristina MIRON, E.S. BARNA
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Atomistilor Street 405, P.O. Box MG 11, 077125, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
E-mail dinesculuminita@yahoo.com
Keywords: Scanning Electron Microscope, simulations, virtual experiments, scientific discovery learning, inquiry-based learning
Abstract: At Physics, due to its character of experimental science, building a solid and deep knowledge cannot be achieved without observation, measurement or experimentation. Sometimes, because of the space and time limits or of the lack of resources these processes cannot be run in the classroom. The evolution of ITC offers the teachers the possibility of using multiple techniques and resources, thus making accessible the adaptation of the methods in order to increase the efficiency of the teaching-learning process. The simulations and virtual experiments can be used as an alternative to the real experiment to encourage scientific discovery learning and inquiry-based learning. The study of the electronic microscope, introduced in the 12th grade curriculum, can successfully be done through these methods since the laboratory equipment is not accessible. In this paper we present a method to approach Scanning Electron Microscope, by combining on-line instruction, which has also meant using an e-learning platform, simulations and virtual experiments, with face-to-face instruction. The evaluation of the portfolios created by students using multimedia tools showed the fact that the objectives were reached. The students were able to describe the construction and the functioning way of SEM, to explain the mechanism of interaction between electrons and solid, to interpret images obtained with SEM and to describe SEM applications to nanotechnology. We consider that the deep approach of this topic is of a great importance as it can stimulate students’ interest and motivation for studying Physics by establishing a connection between classroom and the real word.