Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2012 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: In situ measurements near deep convective clouds
Authors: Andreea BOSCORNEA (1,2), O. CARP (2), M. FLORIEAN (2), Sabina STEFAN (1)
Affiliation: (1) University of Bucharest , Faculty of Physics , P.O.BOX MG-11, Magurele,Romania
(2) National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” INCAS - Bucharest, Romania
E-mail andreea@incas.ro
Keywords: deep convective clouds, aircraft measurements, CAPS
Abstract: Cloud, aerosol and precipitation studies continue to have very strong empirical components. In situ observations from aircrafts are compulsory for documenting the composition of clouds and thereby providing diagnoses of the processes within them. As in most studies the aircraft observations are combined with data from space–borne remote sensors that provide the larger–scale context into which the aircraft measurements are embedded.This paper presents the results of the flight using the CAPS – Cloud, Aerosol, Precipitation Spectrometer that took place in 5th of May 2012 near Szeged Hungary. Here we report in situ measurements in deep convective clouds from the Rumanian ATMOSLAB aircraft, showing the Liquid Water Content, the droplet and ice crystals median volume diameter, real-time 2-D pictures from the droplets and ice crystals in the cloud anvil.Because of the poor knowledge of mixed-phase cloud processes, the simulation of clouds using numerical models is difficult at present. Our observations will improve the understanding of these cloud processes, such as rainfall, hail, and cloud electrification, together with their involvement in the climate system.