2025-03-07 4:51


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2002 Meeting

Section: Electricity and Biophysics: Honorary Session Dedicated to Professors: Victor Gheorghe (Head of the Dept. 1972-1984) and Grigore Turcu

Qualitative PIXE analysis of mineral elements in some phytopharmaceutic drugs

E.A. Preoteasa, Livia Harangus, M. Gugiu, Andreea Iordan, C. Ciortea

Horia Hulubei Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, P.O.B. MG-6, Bucharest



A large number of phytopharmaceutic drugs are being developed, due to positive effects in various diseases and to high tolerance by the organism. While their medicinally active compounds have been identified, little attention has been paid to their mineral micro- and trace elements. The mineral elements in the drug may have therapeutic or toxic activity which should be properly assessed. Nuclear and atomic methods allow sensitive multielement detection, and we previously performed nuclear activation analysis of some Romanian drugs made by plants [1]. Despite this method’s high sensitivity, its use is limited by the availability of a nuclear reactor. Particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) provides an alternative, and here we examined its potential for the analysis of mineral elements in three commercial phytopharmaceutical preparations, namely, Liv52, Mentat, and Geriforte. The PIXE measurements were performed with 3 MeV protons at the 8.5 MV NIPNE-HH tandem accelerator, using a hyper pure Ge detector, normally oriented and connected to a multichannel analyzer and to a computer; the drug pills were fixed at 45o with respect to the beam. In all drugs PIXE detected mineral elements with Z > 16 down to trace levels. Major elements included K, Ca, Fe, Cu, and Zn, and minor/trace amounts of S, Cl, Ti, Cr, Mn, Ni, Ga, Br, Rb, Sr, Hg, and As/Pb were detected. Some differences were seen between the three drugs. Although at trace levels Ga, As, Hg and Pb are not toxic, one should consider that their accumulation might be harmful and caution seems recommendable on long-term cure. Most of the other elements are known to exert a positive biological role, and both in major and trace levels they may contribute to the therapeutic action. Thus PIXE analysis of mineral elements in phytopharmaceutic drugs, even qualitative, is useful for evaluating the benefits and risks in the therapy. 1. E.A. Preoteasa, M. Salagean, A. Pantelica, C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste. Annu. Rep. NIPNE, Bucharest, p.160, 1996