2024-11-22 2:01


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2006 Meeting

Section: Atomic and Molecular Physics; Astrophysics

Goliat Space Mission

Mugurel Balan, Marius Trusculescu, Lorand Istvan, Claudiu Stirbei, Corina Dumitru

Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest


satellite, payload, subsystems, management, team

Considering the involvement of University of Bucharest student team in space science and technology since Parabolic Flight Champagne 2003 and due to the fact that space science is closer to students through educational programs, University of Bucharest announce the launch of “Goliat Space Mission”. Its first objective is to develop student’s skills in space science. Built on Cubesat platform, Goliat, will carry into orbit 3 experiments as payload in a full operational “Student Made” satellite. Starting from a cubesat structure and further developing BUS subsystems as Power Supply, Attitude Determination & Control and Radio Communication, Goliat it’s pland to be launch in mid 2007. Goliat Space Mission tries to cover a big area from science to applied technology. The payload consists of three experiments: SAMIS (study of the micrometeorites on Low Earth Orbit), CICLOP (a digital camera that will take pictures of the Earth) and DOSE-n (detector for the nuclear radiation on Low Earth Orbit). The satellite bus will ensure the proper conditions for the payload. The bus consists of several subsystems with different functions and requirements. There is the Power Supply unit that converts the light from the Sun to electrical energy. For this function there are used solar panels that give a certain voltage upon illumination, voltage that charges a set of Li-Ion batteries. All the electric components of the satellite get the electrical power from these batteries after the voltage is stabilized at the requirements of each subsystem. The Attitude Determination and Control unit pinpoints the exact location and the orientation of the satellite on earth orbit. It is vital to know which way the satellite is facing mainly because we need to know the area which will appear in the picture. To determine the attitude measurements on earth magnetic field and GPS shall be used. For the control of the satellite there will be three reaction wheels to ensure a full rotation of the satellite. The Telecommunication subsystem ensures the connection between the satellite and the ground station. Data acquired from each of the three experiments has to be transmitted to Earth to be further analyzed. Telemetry data should be transmitted to use for the evaluation of every subsystem on the satellite and to try to repair any malfunction that could appear. The telecommunication unit will also ensure the upload of commands from the ground station to the satellite if there is a need to modify the operating parameters of any system on board the satellite.