Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Biophysics and Medical Physics;Electricity and Magnetism
Title: Specific absorption rate assessing in living tissues exposed to electromagnetic field
Authors: M. Racuciu(1), S. Miclaus(2), D.E. Creanga(3)
Affiliation: (1)Univ. Lucian Blaga, Fac. of Science, Sibiu, Romania, e-mail:mracuciu@yahoo.com
(2)Terrestrial Troupe Academy, Sibiu, Romania
(3) Univ. Al.I. Cuza, Fac. of Physics, Iasi, Romania
E-mail mdor@uaic.ro
Keywords: electromagnetic exposure, living tissues, temperature dynamics plots
Abstract: In this experimental study the fluorescent emission of a thermal sensor was used to emphasize temperature profiles and dynamics within an electromagnetic device designed for living tissues exposure to 50 Hz and 2 to 10 mT magnetic field. Fluoroptic temperature probe Luxtron -1 with 0.1 degree accuracy was used to read temperature values within the exposure space in two parallel plans orthogonal to the magnetic field as well as in three points along the radius of Petri dish used as dielectric support of exposed samples.
Mammals and vegetal tissues: muscle, liver, lungs, brain, bone and respectively germinated seeds of agrotechnical plants were investigated for different values of the magnetic field amplitude: 2-4-6-8-10 mT.
The temperature dynamics curves were drawn and their slopes were measured. Specific absorption rate (SAR) values were calculated using the slopes of temperature versus time curves, numerical recordings being taken every second until the saturation plateau was reached in every case. Comparative discussion was carried out and good concordance with literature reports regarding mammal tissues was found. Saturation temperature in different points of the exposure space was analyzed in comparison to the air and water samples of equal mass.