Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting
Section: Physics and Technology of Alternative Renewable Energy Supplies
Title: Interaction of load control with the distribution network.
Authors: Daniela Veronica Hodojeu, S. Stoica, Sanda Voinea
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 3Nano-SAE Research Center, 405 Atomistilor str., Bucharest-Magurele, 077125.
E-mail sandavoinea@yahoo.co.uk
Keywords: DSM, distribution network, renewable energy, load control
Abstract: The question is to what extent the distribution networks act as restrictions to the extensive use of measures for load control (DSM) Demand Side Management to provide balancing power. A central focus of attention is the extent to which DSM can be used in households and which measures are necessary in order to use DSM optimally. In order to achieve a very high quantity of renewable energy sources in the future, both the requirements of centralised and decentralised electricity provision will need to be examined. From a global point of view, the loads need to be adapted, due to the fluctuating provision of electricity, in such a manner that as little balancing requirement as possible is needed, i.e., that the residual load is smoothed. This load shift is limited by the technical restrictions of the distribution network operation. The increase in decentralised energy conversion plants (DECP) in the distribution network represents an additional challenge for network users in terms of the planning and operation of distribution networks. The operation of DECPs can lead to changes in the area of power flows and equipment loading, voltage retention and available short-circuit power. Load management measures can be used to smooth the distribution network utilisation and thus avoid the need for network expansion. Yet, on a total system level, this application may be in conflict with the smoothing of the residual load. An economic and technical consideration of both applications has to take place in each case. All questions are taken in account in this contribution.