2024-11-24 23:59


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting

Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection

Radiological impact of a low and intermediate radioactive waste disposal facility on environmental

Adriana Nicoleta Maxim, Doina Pantazi

Bucharest University Physics Department


radiological impact, waste management,

The last step of the radioactive waste management is the disposal in a final installation, for which is required to assess all risks on the environment and human health. The environmental impact studies a nuclear facility taking into account all sources of impact, radiological and non-radiological. The paper begins with the basic principles of a documentation that demonstrates environmental impact, focusing on determining the radiological impact of this installation.Also, the paper presents the methodologies for assessing the radiological impact of a radioactive waste disposal facility on the environment.For a better understanding of the problem will be necessary to present the radioactive waste classification, updated according to the latest recommendations of the IAEA, and to describe the disposal facility will be studied.The radiological impact of a radioactive waste repository should be considered in three stages: the impact at the disposal unit boundary, in the geosphere, and in the biosphere (including the impact on population).This involves the following steps:(i)the source term definition;(ii)the modeling of the radionuclides migration through geosphere; (iii)the establishing of the biosphere areas where contaminants can reach;(iv)the establishing the exposure pathways for the population.To quantitatively assess the radiological impact of a radioactive waste repository on environment, all these steps must be represented in appropriate conceptual and mathematical models, justified depending on the context analysis and the intended aims. Conceptual and mathematical models have been developed following a rigorous radiological impact assessment methodology, adopted by the IAEA (ISAM - Improvement Safety Assessment Methodology). As a result, the paper will analyze the radiological impact of a low and intermediate radioactive waste repository by modeling the radionuclides migration from the repository to the biosphere. Calculations will be performed using computer code AMBER.