2024-11-22 1:29


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2004 Meeting

Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics

New data concerning the efficiency calibration of a drum waste assay system

M. Haralambie1, L. Dinescu1, O. Sima2

1Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, P.O. Box MG-6, RO-077125, Bucharest, Romania

2University of Bucharest, Department of Atomic and NuclearPhysics, Magurele, P.O. Box MG-11, RO-077125, Bucharest, Romania


efficiency calibration,radioactive waste

The study is focused on the efficiency calibration of the gamma spectroscopy system for drum waste assay. The measurement of a radioactive drum waste is usually difficult because its high volume, the varied distribution of the waste in the drum and its increased self attenuation. To solve this problems, a complex calibration of the system is required For this purpose, a calibration drum provided with seven tubes, placed at different distances from its center was used, the rest of the drum having been filled with Portland cement. For the efficiency determination of a uniform distributed source, a linear source of 152Eu was used. The linear calibration source was introduced successively in the seven tubes, the gamma-spectra were collected while the drum was translated and simultaneously rotated. Using the GENIE-PC software, the gamma-spectra were analyzed and the detection efficiencies for shell-sources were obtained. Using this efficiencies, the total response of the detector and the detection efficiency appropriate to a uniform volume source were calculated. For the efficiency determination of a non-homogenous source, supplemental measurements in the following geometries were made. First with a point source of 152Eu placed in front of the detector, measured in all seven tubes, the drum being only rotated. Second with the linear source of 152Eu placed in front of the detector, measured in all seven tubes , the drum being only rotated. For each position the gamma spectra was recorded and the detection efficiency was calculated. The obtained values for efficiency were verified using GESPECOR software, which has been developed for the computation of the efficiency of Ge detectors for a wide class of measurement configurations, using Monte-Carlo method.