Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2004 Meeting
Section: Statistical Physics and Quantum Mechanics Seminar
Title: Autoionizing Floquet States
Authors: M. Boca(1), I. Simbotin(2), M. Stroe(3) and M. Gavrila(4)
Affiliation: 1 Physics Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest-Magurele MG11, 76900 Romania
2 Physics Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 , USA
3 Chemistry Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest Romania
4 FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Amsterdam, 1098 SJ, The Netherlands
E-mail boca@templeton.fizica.unibuc.ro
Keywords: Floquet theory, quasienergies, bound states, resonance states
Abstract: We present and discuss a new type of Floquet states, associated with autoionizing states of an atom. Such "A states" were considered conceptually by Fearnside et al [1], but were not studied in any detail at that time. We base our discussion on a 1D model with a soft-Coulomb potential. However, this model allows to study the resonant interaction of Floquet A states with the standard Floquet states corresponding bound states of the dressed potential ("B states"), throwing light on the physical significance of the former.
The determination of the quasienergies of A and B states is done numerically to high accuracy by solving the Floquet system of coupled differential equations with ionization boundary conditions. We consider both low and high frequencies. We show that ReE and ImE for A states tend to zero as the field intensity tends to infinity, and that they tend to coincide with resonance eigenvalues of the Schrödinger equation for the dressed potential. We interpret the results using the high-intensity, high-frequency Floquet theory (HI-HFFT), see [2].
1. Fearnside A.S., Potvliege R.M., and Shakeshaft R., 1995, Phys.Rev.A 51, 1471.
2. Simbotin I., Stroe M., and Gavrila M., 2004, Las. Phys.