Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2005 Meeting
Section: Electricity and Biophysics
Title: Trace Elements in Digestive Cancer Tissue by PIXE
Authors: Constantin Ciortea(1), Olimpiu Constantinescu(1), Irina Cata(1), D. E. Dumitriu(1), Alexandru Enulescu(1), Daniela Fluerasu(1), Ana Pantelica(1), Liviu C. Penescu(1), L. Piticu(1), Aimee Th. Radu(1), Marian Virgolici(1),E. Popescu(2), D. Donciu(2), M. Ciortea(2), F. Staniceanu(2), A. Moldovan(2), L. Popescu(2), B. Burghelea(3), Andrei Daniel Filimon(4)
Affiliation: (1) – Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering,
(2) – Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
(3) – National Institute of Research and Development for Microbiology and Immunology "Cantacuzino"
(4) Faculty of Physics – University of Bucharest
E-mail andrei.filimon@fpce4.fizica.unibuc.ro
Keywords: Trace elements in digestive cancer tissue by PIXE
Abstract: Elemental composition study of digestive cancer tissue with different localizations (esophagus, stomach, colon), by using PIXE analysis, is presented. A number of 20 tumor and normal (control) tissue samples was analyzed. Thin targets were prepared by mineralization with nitric acid of the lyophilized tissue and dropping on 2 μm Mylar foil. The measurements were carried out in vacuum using 3 MeV protons delivered by the tandem accelerator in Bucharest, Romania. The following elements were analyzed: S, Cl, K, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn. Although the results show relatively large variations from a sample to another, there were obtained mean ratios of tumor/normal concentrations which are significantly greater than one, in the limit of the standard deviation, for the following elemnts: K(1.45±0.28), Ca(1.30±0.21), Cr(2.33±0.56), and Zn(1.18±0.15). For the other determined elements, no significant difference between the tumor and normal tissues , in the linit of the present standard deviation, was found.