Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting
Section: Biophysics; Medical Physics
Title: Proton therapy in Dubna, Russia
Authors: C. Oancea (1,2), A. Agapov (2), A. Barborica (1), D. M. Borowicw (2,3), Y. U. Luchin (2), G. V. Mytsin(2),
Affiliation: (1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomistilor Street, Magurele, judet Ilfov, Romania;
(2) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 6 Joliot-Curie Street, 141980, Dubna, Moscow Reg., Russia;
(3) Departament of Medical Physics, Greater Poland Cancer Center, 15 Garbary Str., 61-866 Poznam, Poland
E-mail oancea@jinr.ru
Keywords: Medico-Technical Complex, proton therapy, brain tumors.
Abstract: Proton Therapy is a reliable treatment method for malignant tumors and some benign diseases. The main goal or ideology of radiotherapy is to deliver high radiation doses to the tumor volume with maximum sparing of normal tissues and organs.
The protons accelerated in the Phasotron at the Medico-Technical Complex at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research are used to treat tumors located in the head, neck and torso areas.
We are presenting the procedure of diagnosis and the treatment plan step by step covering all the areas below: the immobilization of the region which has to be irradiated, diagnosis and topometric imaging of the target (X Ray computed tomography- CT and MRI), the image analysis using the Three Dimensional Computer Treatment Planning System developed at the Loma Linda University Madical Center, California, USA (modified to incorporate the LNP JINR Phasotron beams) and the manufacturing of individual collimators and boluses in the workshop of MTC.
The results obtained so far can be considered promising and we are presenting some case studies of patients with brain tumors. In conclusion, proton therapy proves to be an efficient method for treating tumors.