Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2008 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: Producing on-line learning materials in physics
Authors: Irna-Elena Nicolae
E-mail irinanicolae2001@yahoo.com
Keywords: development,on-line ,materials
Abstract: “Dimitrie Bolintineanu” high school is a Romanian school of 3500 students (I taught Physics there last year). It has a whole-school program whereby all students and teachers from grade 5 (10/11 years old) to grade 12 (17/18 years old in the final year of high school) own a personal laptop computer that the school supports with a sophisticated cabled network and Internet access.This access to computers means that teachers are able to develop a variety of teachingapproaches, one of which is using on-line (on-computer) learning resources for the teaching andlearning of students. The development of on-line learning materials means that units of work canbe developed for presentation in the classroom via a data projector, loaded on to individual studentcomputers, made accessible via a shared/network drive, or accessed by students from remotelocations via the Internet.This paper will take participants through the development of on-line learning modules. In particular,it will take the physics topic of “light and waves” and will show how interactive applets can bedownloaded from the world wide web, supporting materials can be scanned into the text andsequencing material can be scuffled in. Multiple-choice testers and diagnostic materials can beincorporated into each learning module. All of this results in a powerful resource for the physicsclassroom teacher and is a means for developing self-paced independent learning units forstudents across a wide variety of ages and stages.