Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Local air-sea interaction changes on the western Black Sea coast under different climate conditions
Authors: Monica Matei(1,2), Roxana Bojariu(1), Mihaela Caian(1), Norel Rimbu(2)
Affiliation: (1)National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania; (2)Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, P.O.BOX MG-11, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail monica.matei@meteoromania.ro
Keywords: RegCM, Black Sea, winter precipitation
Abstract: Key issues analyzed in the present paper are changes in winter precipitation which further could be related to maritime storms and flooding. They have implications for coastal socio-economic activities and ecosystems.The regional climate model we use is the RegCM3. The model domain covers the Romanian domain defined in CECILIA project at a grid point spacing of 10 km. Regional climate experiments have been performed to isolate the effects of Black Sea SSTs on local climate and especially on precipitation. Firstly, a control simulation is performed (referred to as CTRL) for 15 winter months. In the second set of simulations (WSEA) the surface temperature of the Black Sea is modified with a uniform temperature increase of 2 K and unchanged lateral boundary conditions. The driving lateral boundary conditions are taken from the fields obtained with the regional model RegCM3 at 25 km grid point spacing over the European domain. The WSEA experiments allow us to separate the local effects of the Black Sea SST from large scale effects and other influences. Note that the 2 K SST anomaly over the Black Sea is consistent with observations of SST interdecadal variability.The results suggest the importance of a full Black Sea representation (coupled air-sea experiments) for local/coastal climate change assessment. In winter, the most expose land areas to SST influences (precipitation, precipitable water on air column, winds) are the coastal areas and the Southern part of Romanian territory . Are indications of small changes in local atmospheric circulation due to larger changes in atmospheric pressure. However, this effect seems to diminish under climate change conditions, probably due to smaller thermal contrast. Further experiments are needed with larger simulation in order to assess in more detail this mechanism.