2024-11-24 23:04


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting

Section: Educational Physics

Educational aspects in medical ionizing radiation applications

Camelia Avadanei

“Horia Hulubei” National Institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania


medical applications, specific education, radiaiton protection

Nuclear physics is providing medicine investigation and treatment methods of a priceless value. During over one hundred years, radiological equipment become more and more performing from the point of view of easy handling and rapid answer, quality of radiation beams and, not the last, radiation protection of operators and patients. Ionizing radiation medical applications extended from radiological investigations to interventional radiology and new methods of radiotherapy. This extension involves, on one hand, an increased number of physicists and, on the other hand, of patients. During time, it is noticed that physicians’ enthusiasm due to these new possibilities and public concern for individual health risk to transform these achievements from friends to enemies of general health due to their excessive utilization. In this context, education could be used as an important mean to avoid unjustified exposure to radiation by presenting specific risks and rules of utilization to each involved category. If for physicians it is necessary to extent the curricula on specific radiation protection notions, for general public as patient, information represents a mandatory and ethical requirement. It is presumed that, by education, prescribes would become more restrictive when recommend radiological examinations and radiologists and non-radiologists physicians would become more aware to comply with the regulatory requirements on justification of each examination. In order to facilitate medical obligations regarding patients` information, formal education should provide basic knowledge. Public education could begin even from elementary school by graduate introduction of the necessary notions to understand the specific aspects of medical applications. It could continue through mass media communication and by physicians at their surgeries. Being aware of radiological examinations specific aspects, people would participate more active to the implementation of individual monitoring systems as a mean to control individual exposure.