Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2006 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: On a Hubble scale in relativistic nuclear collisions
Authors: C. Besliu(1), Al. Jipa(1), M. Calin(1), Oana Ristea(1), T. Esanu(1), Amelia Horbuniev(2), D. Felea(3), I. S. Zgura(3), C. Ristea(3), E. Stan(3), I. Arsene(3), C. Mitu(3), M. Potlog(3), A. Sevcenco(3), M. I. Cherciu(3), D. Argintaru (4), Cr. Bordeianu(5), I. V. Grossu(1)
Affiliation: (1)Atomic and Nuclear Physics Chair, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
(2) "I.L.Caragiale" High School Bucharest, ROMANIA
(3) Institute for Space Sciences Bucharest-Magurele, ROMANIA
(4) Physics Department, University of Civile Marine Constantza, ROMANIA
(5) Technologic High School Campulung Moldovenesc, ROMANIA
E-mail besliu@brahms.fizica.unibuc.ro
Keywords: Big Bang, Hubble evolution, relativistic nuclear collisions, time evolution , microscopic Hubble constant
Abstract: The present scenarios on the Universe and its evolution after Big Bang suggest that at a few microseconds a quark-gluon plasma has been formed. Recent experimental results obtained in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC-BNL energies indicated that such a form of nuclear matter has been observed. Using different models for Universe evolution, experimental results, simulations, and calculations for the space-time characteristics of the particle emitting source formed in relativistic nuclear collisions we establish a "microscopic Hubble constant" and a posssible "temporal Hubble scale" for relativistic nuclear collisions, Our results are in agreement with other attempts.