Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2009 Meeting
Section: Biophysics; Medical Physics
Title: Skin cancer evaluation by optical coherence tomography
Authors: L. Cristescu, E. M. Carstea
Affiliation: National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics, INOE 2000
E-mail cristescu@inoe.inoe.ro
Keywords: skin cancer, optical coherence tomography, fluorescence
Abstract: Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. The early and accurate detection of this disease is very important for the patients. Currently, diagnosis is established by clinical evaluation, based on the ABCDE rule (asymmetry, border irregularity, color, diameter and sometimes elevation), and additionally the cytological and/or hystopathological investigations. The last two investigations are performed based only on the physician’s opinion about the disease. An optical method, such as the optical coherence tomography (OCT), can be of real help in assisting the physician’s evaluation.
Optical coherence tomography, together with autofluoescence measurements were employed in order to assess this method abilities of being used in skin cancer detection.
The study involved 16 patients, with a total of 17 lesions. Amongst the investigated lesions there were dysplastic nevus, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma and other benign lesions. OCT data were collected and corroborated with the fluorescence measurements in order to diagnose the patients. In the present study, the dysplatic nevus lesions were predominant in which case good results have been obtained.