Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2006 Meeting
Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers
Title: Nd:Yag surgical laser for an ophthalmological stereomicroscope
Authors: D. Savastru, M.I.Rusu, E. Ristici, S. Miclos, M. Mustata, V. Savu
Affiliation: National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics-INOE 2ooo Bucharest, Romania
E-mail madalin@inoe.inoe.ro; rusu_madalin@yahoo.com
Keywords: Nd:YAG laser, applications in ophthalmology, ophthalmology, capsulotomy, iridotomy surgical procedures
Abstract: A modified stereomicroscope using a Nd:YAG laser is presented. This device is used for posterior capsulotomy and iridotomy microsurgery. The Nd: YAG laser is composed by a 3x 50 mm laser rod, a Cr+4:YAG crystal as Q-switch, two plane-plane laser mirrors- one having about 30% reflectivity and the other is high reflecting. The laser beam is limited by a diaphragm in order to obtain a minimum divergence. The obtain divergence is about 0,7 mrad. The laser beam is collimated and than it is passed through a circular variable neutral filter that is electronically rotated by a microprocessor used for obtaining the desired energy level. The collimator has magnification coefficient of 12x. This is important to enlarging the laser beam to avoid the damage of the variable filter. So, the obtained energy density on the filter is in the admitted limits. Than, the laser beam is deflected at 90 degrees by a dielectric mirror and is passed through the microscope objective and focused at minimum 150 microns behind the object plane. The deflecting mirror is dielectric coated in order to obtain a deflected laser beam more than 99% of initial laser beam. The output energy continuum varies in the 0,3-9 mJ range.