Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2009 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Low –level wind shear (between ground and 1500m)
Authors: Mirela Delia Usturoi
Affiliation: Romanian Air Traffic Service Administration (ROMATSA), Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: low level jet, radio sounding, wind shear
Abstract: Wind shear is one of the most important meteorological phenomenon with significant impact on flights safety, in landing/ take off area; information absence about the possibility to occur wind shear could be inevitably (fatal).
The aim of the paper is to make obviously the real conditions that wind shear occurs by meteorological analysis for the situations than it was reported by crews. There are analyzed: synoptical situation over Europe and Romania, the wind vertical distribution for aerodrome area (Bucuresti-Henri Coanda), radio sounding, significant weather chart for VFR-visual flight rules (below 1500 m), wind and temperature charts for low-level standard pressure radar and satellite images.Wind shear is produced by different synoptical situations, combined by obstacles (relief); however, two synoptical situations aren’t identical, just seems to be, wind shear is observed in similar conditions, not the same (identical). Wind shear forecast is difficult because the atmospheric parameters are difficult to be known precisely at a specific place and time.There are no many studies for wind shear in Romania, because of endowments that are quite recent (meteorological radar), and Aeronautical Meteorology is only specialized to provide information in real-time and forecast for aviation, not for research.