Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2003 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Some considerations about mixing, oscillation phenomena and
CP violation of different mass eigenstates
Authors: Simona Malace, Angela Lucaci-Timoce, I. Lazanu
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, POBox MG-11, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
Abstract: In the last twenty years there have been made many experimental and theoretical efforts to measure and verify the prediction of the Standard Model, as well as to put in evidence small deviation from these values.
In the present paper, we discuss some aspects of possible regularities of the formalism of mixing and oscillation phenomena of the mass eigenstates in particle physics, eventual consequences of hidden proprieties of the systems.
In the literature different parametrising representations of lepton flavour mixing are used for three generations of leptons and quarks. Although these are mathematically equivalent, only one of them are likely to describe the underlying physics in a more transparent way, and particularly convenient in the analysis of experimental data or is able to establish a concordance with these ones
Flavour permutational symmetry of the mixing matrix, “maximal democracy” and maximal CP violation give a simple and efficient way to understand the essential characteristics of the phenomena, with a minimum number of parameters. The deviations of the experimental data of these predicted values represent a simple clue to study phenomenologically the breaking of symmetries.
The interplay of gravitation and linear superposition of different mass eigenstates, and their consequences on the oscillation clocks, phases and the physical observability are also briefly discussed.