Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2011 Meeting
Section: Polymer Physics
Title: Optical nanotomography of anisotropic fluids
Authors: V.Barna (1), De Luca Antonio (2), Rosenblatt Charles (3)
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.BOX.MG-11, Bucharest, Romania (1);
LICRYL (INFM-CNR) and Center of Excellence CEMIF.CAL, Department of Physics, University of Calabria, I-87036 Rende (CS), Italy (2);
Department of Physics, CWRU University, Cleveland, Ohio, 44106, USA (3).
E-mail barnavalentin@yahoo.com
Keywords: Optical Nanotomography, Polymer Thin Films, Nanolithography, Liquid Crystals.
Abstract: The physical properties of anisotropic fluids can be manipulated on very short length scales of 100nm or less by appropriate treatment of the confining substrates. This facilitates the use of ordered fluids in a variety of scientific endeavours and applications. Here, we report a powerful imaging approach based on the collection of transmitted light in the far field that is emitted from a light source with a subwavelength aperture. We acquire ultra high-resolution images by raster-scanning, at multiple heights, an optical fibre immersed inside a thin layer of anisotropic fluid, thereby facilitating the visualization of the fluid’s structure with a resolvable volume about 1/500 of that attainable by current experimental methods. This novel technique offers the intriguing possibility of three-dimensional nanoscale reconstruction of a variety of soft materials, here the first direct visualization and measurement of the liquid-crystal molecular orientation relaxation length.