Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2009 Meeting
Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers
Title: Digital Photometry
Authors: Dan Stefan
Affiliation: University of Bucharest
E-mail iulian.ionita@g.unibuc.ro
Keywords: digital photometry, global illumination, photorealistic rendering
Abstract: Digital Photometry or Photorealistic Rendering is occupied with simulating the real light transport over an initial matrix space environment programmable in C. Good example to take is when you create a 3D space with timeline, complete with polygonal surfaces inside, that can be able to interact with a source light. The source light task is to know how to read surfaces that may encounter. Now, amazing progress in this field had been occurred simulating real illumination at very high accuracy. Big software companies like Mental Images Gmbh in Germany and Pixar’s Render Man in United States, had created powerful and intelligent algorithms for rendering engines that can produce photorealistic images which in many cases some of them are confused with reality. In many cases the logic applied in scripting are the laws of photometry found in physics and not only. Big research companies like Mental Images had reached those results by introducing a series of algorithms called Global Illumination considered one of the most complicated algorithms so far that can be able to simulate various types of illumination like daylight, spot light, omni light ,area light etc. Global Illumination is able to simulate direct illumination and indirect illumination also called bounces of light, ray trace, shadows, and caustics and is able to interact with materials, light behaves differently in respect to the surface proprieties. The applications are found in motion picture industry, television, architectural visualization, press, video games and many more. Efficient algorithms for greater performances needed for solving and increasing digital realism may come straight from physicians. I have applied digital photometry to obtain photometric frames for an advertising spot.