Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2004 Meeting
Section: Atomic and Molecular Physics; Astrophysics
Title: Laser Field Induced Azimuthal Anchoring Gliding
in Dye Doped Nematic Liquid Crystals
Authors: Ion Palarie*, Nicoleta Eseanu**, Cornelia Uncheselu***
Affiliation: *Faculty of Physics, University of Craiova,13 A. I. Cuza Str., Craiova
**Department of Physics, ``Politehnica`` University of Bucharest, 313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest
***Department of Physics, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, 122-124 Ave. Lacul Tei, Bucharest
E-mail palarie@central.ucv.ro
Keywords: liquid crystals, anchoring, molecular orientation
Abstract: We have analyzed the rotating effect of an Ar+ linearly polarized beam on a dye-doped nematic liquid crystal by using a pump-probe experiment. An asymmetric capillary cell was used with two polymer coated glasses. An easy axis was induced by rubbing one surface, the other one remaining not oriented. The Ar+ beam entering the orienting surface has the polarization direction perpendicular to the easy axis. The time dependent transmitted intensity of a probe He-Ne laser beam (polarization direction parallel to the easy axis) has been measured. For large enough Ar+ power a non monotonous curve (having one or even two maxima) has been observed. We develop a model that can interpret our experimental data by taking into account the gliding of the easy axis on the orienting surface. The azimuthal anchoring breaking angle has been estimated.
[1]. N. Eseanu, C. Uncheselu, I. Palarie, B. Umanski, Romanian Reports in Physics 55, no.3, 2003, p. 417 (http://alpha1.infim.ro/rrp/2003_55_3/eseanu)
[2]. D. Voloshchenko, A. Khyzhnyak, Y. Reznikov, V. Reshetnyak, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 34, 566 (1995)
[3]. N. Eseanu, C. Dascalu, I. Palarie, C. Uncheselu, U.P.B.Sci.Bull., Series A, Vol.65, no.1-4, 2003, p.151