Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2008 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: The ITC and the Scientific Education
Authors: Moraru Silvia
Affiliation: Colegiul National de Informatica Tudor Vianu Bucuresti
doctorand Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea Bucuresti
E-mail emial@silviamoraru.ro
Keywords: Ict, scientific education,modern teaching, creativity,interactivity,interdisciplinary,e-learning
Abstract: The paper is a study in the usage of modern IT in interdisciplinary teaching of notions featured in the physics and chemistry curriculum. It encompasses specifically the study of „THE IDEAL GAS LAWS“ and their real life applications, as well as „WATER ELECTROLYSIS“ (8th and 10th grades respectively).
The crucial teaching-learning-evaluation chain of a lesson is comparatively analyzed within the „traditional“ and „modern“ lessons respectively, the last one making use of didactical means such as:
• interactive sequences of the „Elements of thermodynamics and molecular physics“ educational software, which is part of the AEL platform, a SIVECO Romania product;
• virtual physics lab – the web-site http://www.jersey.waregon.edu
The paper consists of the following chapters:
1. The student-oriented didactics and learning – a crucial objective towards excellence in teaching
2. Specific ways of using IT means within the physics and chemistry lessons, in order to make the two natural sciences interdisciplinary
3. Pros and cons of the real and virtual experiments