Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2004 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Consequences Assessment for a Nuclear
Accident Scenario at Cernavoda - NPP
Authors: Mărgeanu Sorin*) and Angelescu Tatiana**)
Affiliation: *) Institute for Nuclear Research, PO.Box-78, 0300-Pitesti, Romania
**) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, PO.Box MG-12, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail margeanu@scn.ro
Keywords: emergency response plan, countermeasures, health effects, nuclear accident, early containment failure
Abstract: In a nuclear incident, considerable planning is necessary to reduce to manageable levels the types of decisions leading to effective responses as regarding the public protection in such an event.
One of the most important parts of an emergency response plan is the computerized system which allows to predict the accidents radiological impact and to provide information in a manageable and effective form for evaluating alternative countermeasure strategies in the various stage of an accident.
The PC-COSYMA results for early containment failure of CANDU reactor are presented. The deterministic health effects rising from nuclear accident situation are also presented. As source term we have used the core inventory obtained with ORIGEN computer code. The essential input parameters for PC-COSYMA computer code are also done.