Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2006 Meeting
Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers
Title: Aspects concerning Laser Conservation of Organic Artworks
Authors: Monica Simileanu, Joakim Striber, Walter Maracineanu, Roxana Radvan
Affiliation: National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics - INOE 2000, Centre for Restoration by Optoelectronical Techniques
E-mail simileanu@inoe.inoe.ro
Keywords: laser cleaning, organic artworks, LIBS
Abstract: Conventional techniques do a lot against most of the factors that endanger art objects, but new approaches of advanced technology introducing more practical and reliable advanced analysis/ diagnosis/cleaning/conservation techniques help us establish the conservation status of the artifact, an important fact in deciding the restoration process – if case, or just the necessary measures in order to stop its degradation.
The laser technology has developed rapidly and laser cleaning had become a practical and reliable technique offering the conservator a high level of precision and control.
In this work we report successful laser cleaning strategies concerning organic materials such as: paper, textile, leather and parchment.
During the preliminary research activities (on pigments/parchment) Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Technique has provided us informations about the materials’ layers, crucial from the point of view of laser beam’s depth penetration, as well as about their chemical compounds. Following these great results, some case studies on paintings – concerning multilayer properties - were accomplished.
Tests have been carried out using the fundamental (1064 nm) and second harmonic (532 nm) from a Q-switched Nd: YAG laser; laser cleaning was real time monitored by microscopic and thermographic techniques.
Afterwards, the irradiated probes have been investigated with an optical microscope in order to determine any deterioration that may have occurred to the paper substrates, as well as the efficiency of laser cleaning.