Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2013 Meeting
Section: Physics and Technology of Alternative Renewable Energy Supplies
Title: The alternative and renewable sources of energy – sources for energy stability
Authors: Claudiu Ungureanu, Ioan Stamatin,Sanda Voinea
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 3Nano-SAE Research Center, 405 Atomistilor str., Bucharest-Magurele, 077125.
E-mail sandavoinea@yahoo.co.uk, claudiu.ungureanu@klyos.ro
Keywords: solar panel, wind system, renewable energy, grid.
Abstract: Solar and wind sources of energy represent the solution to work in combination with standard sources for energy (coal, water, nuclear, etc.). Taking this into consideration, every house roof, parking area, factory, etc. can be used to install low capacity alternative systems. This way, every consumer can have his own limited independence, with less exposal to the continuous increasing price of the electric energy. Small solar and wind systems can supply energy into the network of every house, energy which can be fed in into the grid and, when necessary, can be consumed by local loads. There are a multitude of possible systems with or without batteries, depending on the local grid conditions and local loads characteristics.The main scope of these small systems is to supply energy into the network but also to control the price of the energy by providing access for peoples to alternative energy when necessary.As the power resulted from solar panels grows bigger and the price decreased as the production of solar panels increases, a multitude of small systems can act as a major system, with important benefits for the owners of all these small systems.