Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Biophysics and Medical Physics;Electricity and Magnetism
Title: Experiments on brain slices used in mathematical modeling of hippocampal neuronal networks
Authors: B. Amuzescu(1), T. Selescu(1), S. Dumitru(1), G. Popoiu(2), I. Ionita(3), M. Zamfirescu(3), F. Jipa(3), A.R.M. Chirculescu (4), M. L. Flonta(1)
Affiliation: (1) Dept. Biophysics & Physiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest
(2) Dept. Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest
(3) Dept. Optics-Spectroscopy-Plasma-Lasers, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest
(4) Dept. Anatomy, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
E-mail bogdan@biologie.kappa.ro
Keywords: neuronal model, neuronal network, hippocampus, confocal microscopy, two-photon excitation microscopy
Abstract: Understanding the dynamics and computations of single neurons and their role within larger neural networks is at the core of neuroscience. Quantitative models summarize and organize the rapidly growing amount and sophistication of experimental data, and make testable predictions. Dayan & Abbott classify neural circuitry models into descriptive, mechanistic, and interpretive, based on the specific question addressed by each cathegory: what, how, and why. Herz et al. identify five levels of complexity in single-cell neuronal models: detailed compartmental models; reduced compartmental models; single-compartment models (e.g. the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model of squid giant axon, still fundamental in a variety of cell excitability models); cascade models – a concatenation of mathematical primitives such as linear response filters, nonlinear transformations, and random processes; black-box models, which neglect completely the biophysical mechanisms of the underlying system, describing responses R for given stimuli S in terms of conditional probabilities p(R|S). We review a few classical neuronal models: the passive integrate-and-fire model of Lapicque (1907) showing spike rate adaptation and refractoriness, the Connor-Stevens model (1971, 1977), derived from the HH model by inclusion of an A-type transient K+ current, models including T (and later L, N, P)-type Ca2+ currents as modeled by Huguenard & McCormick (1992), the cable equation and Rall branching models (1959, 1977), and the principles of multi-compartment models, as well as recent progress in detailed compartmental models of Ranvier node conduction. We also briefly review recent experimental evidence about the roles and functions of the hippocampal formation in episodic and spatial memory, action prediction, and emotional behavior, as revealed by multiple simultaneous patch-clamp recordings and imaging studies on brain slices, multielectrode array recordings on slices, animal models and human patients, complex immunofluorescence and immunocytochemistry studies. Eventually we present own preliminary experimental data of double immunofluorescent labeling of newborn rat sagittal and transverse hippocampal slices with rabbit anti-Kv1.2, 1.4, and 4.3 polyclonal antibodies and mouse anti-200KDa neurofilaments monoclonal antibodies followed by confocal and 2 photon-excitation microscopy, and development of a multielectrode array equipment for in vitro recordings on brain slices.