Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2011 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Radio emission from neutrino induced showers in salt using simulations performed with GEANT4 and AIRES codes
Authors: A. Saftoiu(1), O. Sima(2), I.M. Brancus(1), Alina Badescu(3)
Affiliation: Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear 1)Engineering, IFIN-HH
2)Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest
3) Politehnica University of Bucharest
E-mail allixme@gmail.com
Keywords: radio emission, showers, dense media, Cerenkov, Askaryan
Abstract: We report here on calculations of radio emission from neutrino induced showers in the context of detection of high energy particles in large volumes employing the radio waves that the shower generates. The medium chosen is salt, one of the media proposed by Askaryan, which can be found in large volumes throughout the world.We have performed simulations of neutrino-nucleon charged-current and neutral-current interactions in the HERWIG code, in the 10^12-10^17 eV energy range. Then we have injected all of the resulted particles in GEANT4 code, for the low energy primaries, and in AIRES code, for the higher energies, for the simulation of realistic showers.The calculation of the radio signal was performed considering the entire shower evolution, by taking into account in the equations the longitudinal profile, the parametrization method.