Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2004 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: The Marusya Experiment. Magneto-optics and calibration of the experimental setup
Authors: Alexandru Jipa[1], Ionut-Cristian Arsene[1,2], Tiberiu Esanu[1] for MARUSYA collaboration
Affiliation: [1] University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
[2] Institute for Space Sciences, Magurele
Keywords: MARUSYA experiment
Abstract: MARUSYA it is an high energy nuclear experiment taking place at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia. The beam used is accelerated at the LHE accelerator complex (NUCLOTRON). It`s aim is to investigate the transition regime from nucleons to quark-gluon degrees of freedom in nuclei. This regime is considered to exist from hundreds of MeV up to 10 GeV per nucleon.
The novelty of the proposed research is the investigation of rare subthreshold and cumulative processes taking into account the polarization of the colliding objects. The interest in this field is high because presently this field is at the beginings and there is no complete theory of polarization phenomena in hadron-nuclear interactions. The experiment wants to measure the cross-sections of the deuterons, kaons, pions, antiprotons and nuclear fragments production versus:
* types of beam nuclei and target nuclei (p-U);
* energy of beam nuclei (2-6 AGeV);
* momenta of detected particles (0.3-2.0 GeV/c);
* angle of particle production (20-90 degrees);
* direction of the beam particles polarization.
This work is ment to analyse the particle optics through the magnetic fields from the magnets and magnet lences used in the spectrometer arm of the experimental setup with CERN`s simulation tool, GEANT. This is important because we need to know where to put the detectors with maximum efficiency. Quantities that will be presented are: angular deviation, time of flight, momenta, energy losses of the particles passing through the magnets.
Also an acceptance map of the spectrometer arm for different particle species will be presented.
We mention that these results are obtained by the Bucharest group.